Points2Shop 5000+ Points_Cash Instant Hack MAY 2013 [No Survey Downloads +Proof!]

2013-05-14 48

Link: http://www.filecenter.eu/?p=55
Q:The - key isnn"t working, What do I do.?
A:Try Shift + ` Key on your keyboard

Q. In"ve made an account, and when I press the key, nothing happened?
A. If youn"ve already attempted Shift + ` , Then Retry the process. You may need a new email, but be sure to stay at the same link, what mostly happens is that you got navigated away during the Verification process. Be sure you donn"t use the same address because that will GET YOU BANNED.

Q. I got banned after using this, what the fuck dude!
A. Donn"t abuse it, DO NOT go over 5000 every 12 hours. Donn"t play with fire

Q. In"ve seen this video before dude?
A. In"m making a video of my own to prove it more to you guys, if you donn"t believe it, In"m a representative of the hacking team, and they said the process is still the same, so we a